It gets under my skin that it's been such a long while I've felt that passion I should feel for the art I'm making. I'm not saying I'm good or nothing, I'm saying that even the shittiest of the shit should put all of his or her heart into what they are creating. When I was younger I felt that sensation constantly, like stupid Ash trying to be the best Pokémon trainer out there. I wanted to be the best (which of course is insane considering how many artist there are and how great they are and that in general people have different tastes so who can say one thing is really better than another... but I digress). It had to be the flu. I'm sneezing and coughing and making hell for my wife because that is what sick people SHOULD do, of course. And among all this I feel the need to draw and paint. And there it is! The little flame that could! I find myself not going through the motions but actually experimenting with art. And, like I said, I don't know if it's good. Generally when I finish illustrating something I tend to think is crap but still, it's great to have this feeling, this hunger and this wanting to create. It makes me happy, actually. Maybe you won't care but I just wanted to share this. Thank you for reading. Tee-hee!
What the fuck.